Reading Time: < 1 minuteJoin Dr. Rob McDole and Dr. Jared Pyles as they celebrate the 100th episode of the podcast! Guests from previous episodes will make brief appearances and ask Rob and Jared questions that they have to answer in 100 seconds. The kicker: Rob and Jared have no clue who’s coming on. At whatever point you joined us on this podcast journey, thank you for listening. Here’s to 100 more! Transform Your Teaching wants to hear from you! Please take our survey to let us know how we can make the podcast even better. Podcast links Resources Chat with us!
Transform Your Teaching: Approaching GAI Ethics from A Community-Based Perspective
Reading Time: < 1 minuteDoes community have an impact on ethical AI usage? What problems arise when individuals or organizations have differing ethical approaches? Join Dr. Rob McDole and Dr. Jared Pyles as they chat with Dr. Ross Perkins (Associate Professor of Educational Technology at Boise State University) and Dr. Dave Mulder (Professor and Department Chair in the Education Department at Dordt University). Transform Your Teaching wants to hear from you! Please take our survey to let us know how we can make the podcast even better. Podcast links Resources Chat with us!
Transform Your Teaching: Approaching Ethical Usage of AI Thoughtfully and Without Fear
Reading Time: < 1 minuteWhat is at stake when making decisions about using GAI? What kind of questions need to be asked and answered before using AI in higher education? Join Dr. Rob McDole as he chats with Dr. David Slade, Provost and Professor of Spanish at Berry College. Transform Your Teaching wants to hear from you! Please take our survey to let us know how we can make the podcast even better. Podcast links Resources Chat with us!
Transform Your Teaching: Defining Ethical Usage of GAI in Higher Education
Reading Time: < 1 minuteWe’re starting the new year with a miniseries on the ethical usage of GAI in higher education. In this first episode, Dr. Rob McDole and Dr. Jared Pyles discuss a definition with Dr. David Mulder from Dordt University. Transform Your Teaching wants to hear from you! Please take our survey to let us know how we can make the podcast even better. Podcast links Resources Chat with us!
2024 AECT Reflection: Student Usage of GAI, Part 2
Reading Time: 2 minutesA big concern among educators and practitioners is that students are using Generative AI to cheat, and this is a legitimate concern. With the vast amount of data that the LLMs have access to, students could easily type in “What is the name of the rabid dog that Atticus shoots in the street?” and get an answer in a split second. However, based on the presentations I have seen thus far, the presumption that students are using GAI to cheat is unfounded. In a previous post, I discussed what I learned from a session about student ethics in using ChatGPT for writing assignments. Another session I attended…
2024 AECT Reflection: Student Usage of GAI, Part 1
Reading Time: 2 minutesDr. Jared Pyles recently attended the Association for Educational Communications and Technology conference and has prepared some reflections and takeaways for us. Join us for this mini-series on the hottest topics discussed at the conference! As expected, there are a lot of research presentations on Generative AI at AECT. Shocking, right? One presentation was on a study coming out of a public higher education institution in the US. They studied undergraduate students’ perceptions of using ChatGPT in higher education coursework and the ethical dilemmas associated with it. In this study, 365 undergraduate students filled out an online survey that contained demographics and presented six ethical scenarios of…
Transform Your Teaching: Education in the Age of AI – One Year Later
Reading Time: < 1 minuteLast summer, the Transform Your Teaching hosts talked a lot about AI and its role in education. What has changed in the world of AI since that summer 2023 series? Were Rob and Jared’s ideas on the trajectory of AI and its uses on point or totally off base? Listen as Rob McDole and Jared Pyles revisit some of their takes and give an update on the current climate. Podcast links Resources FOCUS Blog from the Cedarville University CTL Chat with us!
Generative AI, In Practice: Assignment Creation
Reading Time: 4 minutesLast spring, I taught an online course. In the middle of the semester, a student did not do well on one assignment and asked if I could give him another set of questions to review. I said yes. The assignment was a database design task that involved a business case and a dozen sample data rows – for example, a fictional medical clinic that uses Excel sheets to manage its appointments. The table in the image below contains sample data from last year. The most time-consuming aspect of creating a similar assignment was developing a new case and generating sample data which must represent as many unique…
Generative AI, In Practice: Using GAI for Course Planning
Reading Time: 10 minutesRecently, I was tasked with creating a remedial English course for dual-credit students – but for this course, I needed to expand beyond my standard role as the instructional designer and also be the subject matter expert. Playing both roles is difficult, so I decided to employ ChatGPT to help with parts of the design. I started with what I knew. Because this is a dual-credit course, I knew there would be English content the students were passing over and, as a result, not getting in their high school courses. I also knew that the learners in this course would go directly into another college writing course.…
Generative AI: Current State and Future State (e.g., tomorrow)
Reading Time: 3 minutesWriting a blog post detailing the current state of Generative AI (GAI) feels like a futile exercise. Why? During the writing of this post, the state of the industry will change. So, read with caution because like GAI, I can make mistakes. Having dispensed with the disclaimer, let’s get into what you are looking for in this post—the current state of GAI. First, OpenAI’s ChatGPT continues to lead the GAI industry, but Microsoft and Google are making advances with Copilot and Gemini, respectively. Amazon, Mistral, Facebook, and other open source models continue to push OpenAI to innovate and produce more value, but they cannot compete with ChatGPT.…