• Canvas,  Educational Tools,  Teaching & Learning

    Hyflex Check-In: Classroom Technology

    Reading Time: 2 minutes As we get deeper into the semester, it’s the perfect time to pause and review the tech options available as we navigate the strange waters of the hyflex format. Today, we’re going to briefly talk about the classroom technology options, Zoom, Ensemble, and how they all fit together.  Classroom technology There’s more technology than ever before available in your classrooms including document cameras, iPads, and Meeting Owls. If you’re running into issues with any of the tech pieces, check out the instructions and notes in our Fall 2020 Tech Instruction folder (note: you’ll need to be signed into your Cedarville Google account to access it). Some…

  • Canvas,  Teaching & Learning

    Three Reminders to Help Lower Hyflex Stress

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Congratulations for making it through the first third of the semester! This semester has provided some unique challenges, and we’re here today with a couple reminders about techniques or tools you can use to help keep your courses running smoothly.  1. Use Canvas to your advantage.  Canvas can be the central hub for your class. It contains your syllabus and gradebook, and you can take it a step further by using the Canvas Announcements to communicate with your whole class. If you aren’t currently using Quizzes in Canvas, consider using them to make it very simple for students to complete those assessments whether they’re in the…

  • Canvas

    How do I give a student extra time on a quiz or exam?

    Reading Time: 2 minutes With the changes of this semester, you may have moved some in-class quizzes or exams into Canvas. And with that change, there’s a feature you’ll need to use – moderating quizzes to give a student extra time for an accommodation.  Even though the steps are a little different depending on whether you built your assessment as a Classic Quiz or New Quiz, the basic idea is still the same. You need to update the availability and due dates as well as give the student the extra time. Let’s look at how to do this in each quiz type. Remember: the Classic Quiz icon is just outlined, and…

  • Canvas,  Educational Tools

    What Do I Need to Know about Using Proctorio in Canvas?

    Reading Time: 3 minutes If you’re wanting to use a lockdown browser with your quizzes or exams in Canvas, Proctorio is the answer. It’s not hard to start using it, but there are a few things you need to know.  You (and your students) must use Google Chrome. Proctorio works through a Chrome extension, so you cannot use any other browser when adding Proctorio to a quiz/exam or when students attempt the assessment.  Before you can add Proctorio to a quiz/exam, you need to add Proctorio to your course and install the Chrome extension. Adding Proctorio to your course Since Proctorio is enabled at the course level, you will need…