• Canvas,  Educational Tools,  Teaching & Learning

    Canvas Update: New Method for Adding or Changing Due Dates 

    Reading Time: 3 minutes We’re all familiar with how to change the due dates or availability dates for an individual assignment, discussion, or quiz – you go into the settings, scroll down, and add or modify the dates. Now, if you follow that exact same method, you find a “Manage Assign To” link that slides out a panel where you can update all the information. While this change may seem confusing, it enables Canvas to modify how and where the “assign” feature can operate – and it can simplify the processes we use to work with these dates.   With this feature update, you can now update dates directly from the…

  • Canvas,  Educational Tools,  Teaching & Learning

    Canvas Update: Inbox Out of Office and Signature Settings 

    Reading Time: < 1 minute Canvas is rolling out new features and changes July 20, and we’ll be discussing two of them today – Canvas Inbox out of office and signature settings. While messages through the inbox are still rather bare-bones (the RCE is not used there, so messages are text-only – font styling cannot be changed and hyperlinks cannot be added), Canvas is now giving instructors some additional control over their inboxes.   Both the out of office and signature settings are easy to set up! In your Canvas inbox, click the gear icon at the top right to open the Inbox settings. You’ll instantly see your options for both…

  • Canvas,  Educational Tools,  Teaching & Learning

    Canvas Update: Discussions Enhancements 

    Reading Time: 4 minutes Last week, we talked about the updates Canvas is making to assignments. This week, we’re turning our focus to the discussions redesign in preparation for the changes to go live this weekend. These updates go a little deeper and have some added functionality. Let’s jump in and see what’s changed!   1. You can mention users in your posts!   Canvas has added the ability for you to mention specific people in your posts. Simply type the @ symbol, and Canvas will give you a drop-down of all the people able to be tagged.   2. Canvas collapses threads automatically  Canvas will collapse discussions threads so you only see…

  • Canvas,  Educational Tools,  Teaching & Learning

    Canvas Update: Assignments Enhancements 

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Canvas has been working on modifications to both assignments and discussions – and the changes are now ready to be live! In these two weeks leading up to the release of the updated assignments and discussions, we’ll be going through everything you need to know about the changes.   This week, we’re looking at the assignment enhancements. These are primarily student-facing interface adjustments to track the “life cycle” of an assignment more easily. Let’s take a look!  Here’s a screenshot of an updated assignment page.   With the update, Canvas has moved or added a few things:  The next chunk of the page is very much the same…

  • Canvas

    Submitting Final Grades from Canvas to the Registrar

    Reading Time: < 1 minute It’s a simple process to submit your final course grades to the registrar from Canvas. Before you start this process, however, you’ll want to follow these three tips for checking your Canvas gradebook to make sure you’re all squared away. Once you’re ready, follow these three steps:  1. Click the “Submit Grades to Registrar” link in your course menu.  If you don’t see the link there, click “Settings” in the course menu then the “Navigation” tab. Drag and drop “Submit Grades to Registrar” from the inactive items list to the active items list and click “Save.”  2. Scan the information on the “Submit Grades” page. …

  • Canvas

    Three Tips for Checking your Canvas Gradebook before Submitting Final Grades

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Finals are next week, so it’s time to think about wrapping up your courses and preparing to submit your grades. Submitting grades is a quick process, but there are a few items you’ll need to do before you click that button. 1. Check your course grading scheme You should have a grading system defined in your syllabus with the values defined for each grade letter. Canvas can display that letter grade to both you and your students, but you need to make sure you have this setting enabled with the correct values set. 2. Check your grade breakdown The grade breakdown is different from the grading scheme!…

  • Educational Tools,  Teaching & Learning

    Generative AI, In Practice: ALT Text, Part II

    Reading Time: 5 minutes Last week, we looked at some examples of alt text that Copilot generated for us and evaluated what we’d need to change before using them. It had done a good job with simple graphics, though the nuance of having elements faded more to the background and the meaning of that was lost on it. Copilot did not do a good job describing a still shot from a movie. But today, we’re going to look at this from a different angle – what can we do to help GAI create better alt text for us? Are there ways to prompt or feed it context to get drafts…

  • Educational Tools,  Teaching & Learning

    Generative AI, In Practice: ALT Text, Part I 

    Reading Time: 4 minutes Now that we’ve finished our series on Generative AI over on Transform Your Teaching, we wanted to take this opportunity to dive into specifics for some of the ways GAI can help speed along parts of your process.   CTL recently worked on a course project that included designing a lot of figures and graphics to be included in lesson pages – and each of those images needed to have alt text written for it. Now, I’m no stranger to writing alt text, and it isn’t the most complicated piece of work to do; but it can take a decent bit of time when you’re starting with…

  • Canvas,  Teaching & Learning

    Beginning of the Semester Reminders and Tips 

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Welcome to the start of a new semester! Today we’re going be chatting about some tips and reminders to make this first week (and the rest of the semester) easier. We know there’s a big gap between semester starts, so it’s easy for some of these things to slip your memory.   Combining Canvas sections  You may be teaching multiple sections of the same course but want to combine all your students into one section so you have a single place to work on the course. Canvas makes it simple to combine those multiple sections into one. A brief note: you’ll need to combine them before students…

  • Canvas,  Educational Tools,  Teaching & Learning

    Canvas Update: New Quizzes Can Build on Last Attempt 

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Canvas has allowed instructors to give students multiple attempts on quizzes for a while, but they recently modified this feature. Now, Canvas allows instructors to choose whether a student must re-do the entire quiz in subsequent attempts or if they only need to answer questions they had previously gotten wrong.   Accessing this feature  This feature is already live in Canvas and can be accessed in the settings page for a New Quiz. Toggle “allow multiple attempts” on, then check the box for “Build on last attempt.”   When this feature is enabled, students can reattempt questions until they either get it correct or run out of allowed…