Educational Tools,  Teaching & Learning

ChatGPT: What’s Next?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Vaulting onto my stand-up stool, I contorted into a jockey’s position while piping the Classical Motivation playlist from Apple’s freshly minted Classical Music app–off to the races of the new, new frontier. Using the old to discuss the new isn’t unfamiliar, but Apple isn’t the only tech company to release something recently. OpenAI, the parent company of ChatGPT, released ChatGPT-4 last week–a total paradigm shift. Below is an example of the power of ChatGPT-4. I fed it my first two ChatGPT blog posts and asked it to write the next post. 

As we continue to grapple with the integration of AI tools like ChatGPT into our educational landscape, it's essential to address the challenges and limitations presented by these technologies. In the face of these challenges, Christian educators should not shy away from engaging with AI tools but rather seek to understand their potential benefits and limitations in their pursuit of wisdom and insight. 

One primary concern with ChatGPT and other AI technologies is their inability to exercise wisdom, discernment, or empathy. While these tools can provide factual information, they lack the ability to understand the nuances of human emotion or the ethical implications of the knowledge they disseminate. This limitation highlights the importance of the teacher's role in guiding and mentoring students as they navigate the complexities of their educational journey. 

As educators, our goal should not be to replace human interaction with AI tools, but rather to leverage their strengths in tandem with our own abilities as mentors, guides, and sources of wisdom. By incorporating AI technologies like ChatGPT into our teaching strategies, we can help students access a wealth of information, while also providing the necessary context and guidance to develop wisdom, critical thinking, and ethical decision-making skills.

Moreover, Christian educators can use AI tools to enhance their students' learning experience while maintaining a Christ-centered approach to education. By thoughtfully integrating AI technologies into the classroom, teachers can create a dynamic learning environment that fosters curiosity, engagement, and spiritual growth. 

In conclusion, the emergence of AI tools like ChatGPT presents both opportunities and challenges for educators. By embracing these tools and thoughtfully incorporating them into our teaching practices, we can create a powerful combination of human wisdom and technological innovation. By doing so, we further equip students to engage in lifelong learning, develop discernment, and navigate an increasingly complex world. Ultimately, our role as Christian educators is to help students find meaning and purpose in their lives while fostering a deep understanding of God's truth and love. (Produced by ChatGTP-4 on 03/29/2023)

The last sentence amazed and startled me! I remarked to a colleague of my feelings of awe but also loss–as if someone had stolen my thoughts. Now, I realize ChatGPT-4 uses models and algorithms to predict the next word, but this latest version shames its predecessors. It is the most powerful generative Natural Language Processing (NLP) program available to the public to date.    

To add to the shift, Microsoft recently partnered with OpenAI to create Copilot backed by ChatGPT-4. Microsoft plans to mainstream Copilot across all its apps (e.g., Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook) in the next few months. So, by the end of the semester, everyone could have access to the power of ChatGPT-4 trained on personal and institutional data. 

Considering the above, CTL will generate more content and opportunities over the summer to continue the conversation and discuss practical strategies. So, be on the lookout in April and May for more on this topic. For now, if you have any questions or experiences in using AI tools, let us know by commenting below or emailing us at

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