Canvas,  Educational Tools,  Teaching & Learning

Canvas Update: Instructors Can Upload Files to Assignments for Students 

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Canvas has recently added a feature to allow instructors to upload files to assignments for students. To use this feature, you need to start in the gradebook. Click on the student’s cell for the assignment you want to upload, then click the arrow.  

Screenshot of the Canvas gradebook with the arrow inside a grade cell circled.
Screenshot of the Canvas gradebook with the arrow inside a grade cell circled.  

Canvas will slide out a panel from the right side of your screen. Click the “Submit for Student” link.  

Canvas gradebook panel with the “Submit for Student” link circled.
Canvas gradebook panel with the “Submit for Student” link circled.  

Drag and drop or use the file picker to add the assignment file(s), then click “submit.” If you upload multiple files, they will be added as one submission.  

The Canvas file upload window showing that four files have been uploaded.
The Canvas file upload window showing that four files have been uploaded. 

The file is now available to be graded in SpeedGrader! Any files uploaded using this method will show both who uploaded them and when in SpeedGrader as well as the gradebook panel. 

The Canvas SpeedGrader panel with the submission information including who uploaded the file and when circled.
The Canvas SpeedGrader panel with the submission information including who uploaded the file and when circled.
The Canvas gradebook panel with the information about who submitted the assignment and when circled.
The Canvas gradebook panel with the information about who submitted the assignment and when circled.

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