• Podcast,  Teaching & Learning

    Transform Your Teaching: Adjusting to Being a New College Student – A Conversation with Lalitha and Noah 

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteDr. Rob McDole and Jared Pyles chat with two students about their adjustment to college life. How did their educational background prepare them for college? What are they doing to work through personal and academic stress? How are they spending their time outside of the classroom? Join Rob and Jared for this first of three student interviews.  Transform Your Teaching wants to hear from you! Please take our survey to let us know how we can make the podcast even better.  Podcast links Resources Chat with us! 

  • Educational Theories,  Teaching & Learning

    2024 AECT Reflection – Jargon, Memorization, and Understanding 

    Reading Time: 2 minutesEvery industry has its jargon, and if you’re not familiar with the industry, it could sound like a foreign language. Maybe you don’t realize how much jargon you use, so step back the next time you’re in a department meeting and try to listen as someone who’s never been in the room before. It can be a very intimidating experience. That’s how students sometimes feel when they’re just starting out in their major. They’re navigating through unchartered waters in the middle of a storm, and they’re only understanding maybe every third word being shouted to them by their captain.  So, how do you help students learn these…

  • Educational Tools,  Teaching & Learning

    2024 AECT Reflection: Student Usage of GAI, Part 2 

    Reading Time: 2 minutesA big concern among educators and practitioners is that students are using Generative AI to cheat, and this is a legitimate concern. With the vast amount of data that the LLMs have access to, students could easily type in “What is the name of the rabid dog that Atticus shoots in the street?” and get an answer in a split second. However, based on the presentations I have seen thus far, the presumption that students are using GAI to cheat is unfounded.  In a previous post, I discussed what I learned from a session about student ethics in using ChatGPT for writing assignments. Another session I attended…

  • Podcast,  Teaching & Learning

    Transform Your Teaching: A Perspective on Rural and First Generation College Students 

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteWhat are some of the unique college trends for students growing up in a rural environment? How can being a first generation college student affect a student entering higher education? Jared Pyles chats with Dr. Arielle Horan (Director of Silver Valley Upward Bound at University of Idaho) about her research on students in rural districts.  Transform Your Teaching wants to hear from you! Please take our survey to let us know how we can make the podcast even better.  Podcast links Resources Chat with us! 

  • Educational Tools,  Teaching & Learning

    2024 AECT Reflection: Student Usage of GAI, Part 1 

    Reading Time: 2 minutesDr. Jared Pyles recently attended the Association for Educational Communications and Technology conference and has prepared some reflections and takeaways for us. Join us for this mini-series on the hottest topics discussed at the conference!   As expected, there are a lot of research presentations on Generative AI at AECT. Shocking, right?   One presentation was on a study coming out of a public higher education institution in the US. They studied undergraduate students’ perceptions of using ChatGPT in higher education coursework and the ethical dilemmas associated with it. In this study, 365 undergraduate students filled out an online survey that contained demographics and presented six ethical scenarios of…

  • Podcast,  Teaching & Learning

    Transform Your Teaching: Engaging with Students – An Update on Dr. Rob McDole’s Class

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteWe’re at the midway point of the semester, so let’s take some time to discuss Rob’s class. Have the students kept up with Rob’s academic prowess? How is Rob engaging with students and implementing things discussed across this series? What does he have planned to continue meeting students’ needs? Join Dr. Rob McDole and Jared Pyles as Rob reflects on the class thus far.    Transform Your Teaching wants to hear from you! Please take our survey to let us know how we can make the podcast even better.  Podcast links Resources Chat with us! 

  • Educational Theories,  Teaching & Learning

    Transform Your Teaching: Teaching the Whole Student

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteHow does a student’s non-academic life affect their academic life? Are there patterns outside the classroom that are affecting their learning? Dr. Rob McDole and Jared Pyles chat with Professor Jeremy Oliver (Assistant Professor of Applied Theology at Cedarville University) about factors that are contributing to a student’s academic performance.  Transform Your Teaching wants to hear from you! Please take our survey to let us know how we can make the podcast even better.  Podcast links Resources Chat with us! 

  • Podcast,  Teaching & Learning

    Transform Your Teaching: What Is Causing High Anxiety and Stress in Students?

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteHow is social media contributing to students’ mental well-being? What about mobile devices? Are there other factors affecting student mental health? Nancy Gillespie (Senior Director of School Counseling at Grove City Christian School) joins Dr. Rob McDole and Jared Pyles to discuss these questions and more.  Transform Your Teaching wants to hear from you! Please take our survey to let us know how we can make the podcast even better. You’ll be entered into a drawing for a free mug just for participating, and your response will remain anonymous.   Podcast links Resources Chat with us! 

  • Canvas,  Educational Tools

    Canvas New Quizzes Update: Results Visibility & Adding Time During an Attempt 

    Reading Time: 2 minutesCanvas is bringing new and updated features to New Quizzes on October 19. In this update, instructors can now define how and when students can view quiz results as well as add time to a student’s ongoing quiz attempt.   Quiz results  Previously, you could still restrict students from viewing quiz results and feedback in New Quizzes – but it was a permanent restriction (unless you would go and change the setting again). With this update, you can schedule exactly when you want students to be able to view results.  You can see all the new options in the New Quiz “Settings” tab under “Hide results from students.”…

  • Podcast,  Teaching & Learning

    Transform Your Teaching: Maturity and Resilience in the Current College Student

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteWhat are some of the changes in the new group of 18–22-year-olds who are entering higher education? What factors are affecting their maturity and resilience? What can instructors do to serve them? Dr. Rob McDole and Jared Pyles chat with Dr. Jon Wood (Vice President of Student Life & Christian Ministries at Cedarville University) about current college student trends.  Transform Your Teaching wants to hear from you! Please take our survey to let us know how we can make the podcast even better.  Podcast links Resources Chat with us!