Throughout the semester you’ll most likely discover questions that you need to get answered. They may be about how to tweak the settings on a particular assignment for a student. Or, you may have discovered what appears to be an error in the setup for your online course. Who do you call when those things happen?
Hint: Not Ghostbusters. They can’t help.
If you’re teaching in Canvas…
…and it’s a face-to-face course
Contact Canvas support. They’ll be able to help you with any questions you have about system settings, troubleshoot issues, and ensure your course is running smoothly. You can access chat support through the “help” menu in Canvas, or you can call the IT Help Desk at 937-766-7905 and press 1 to access Canvas Support.
…and it’s an online course
This depends on what your question is. If you are asking about an adjustment (e.g.,giving a single student extra time on an assignment) that does not need to carry over to next semester or have a question on how to use a particular feature, contact Canvas support.
If you have discovered what seems to be an error with how your course was set up, then contact the CTL via
Note: edited September 11, 2023, to remove a reference to Canvas Fellows.
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