Canvas,  Educational Tools

Kaltura: Sharing Videos

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Now that you’ve added videos to Kaltura, we’ll talk about how to share them. You can share videos from Kaltura two different ways – generating a permalink (permanent link) or embedding the video directly into Canvas.  

Generating a Permalink and Sharing 

A permalink is a dedicated link to a webpage (permanent + link). In this case, Kaltura can give you a direct link to a specific video. 

You cannot get a permalink from Kaltura inside Canvas. Go to “My Media” in your Media Space (, and click a video. 

The Kaltura menu with an arrow pointing to "My Media" in the list.

Click the “Share” tab under the video.  

Make sure “Link to Media Page” is selected, then copy the URL. You can then paste this anywhere you want someone to have direct access to this video. 

The details and sharing settings under a Kaltura video. An arrow points to the "share" tab and another arrow points to "link to media page" below it.

Embedding videos in Canvas using My Media 

Videos in your My Media in Canvas can be directly embedded into assignments, announcements, or pages. 

Click the “Kaltura Quick Ingest” icon in the ribbon. 

An arrow points to the Kaltura Quick Ingest icon in the Canvas rich content editor ribbon.

After clicking the icon, a Kaltura Quick Ingest “Let’s get started!” window will pop up.  

To embed a video from your library, click “Add from Library.” 

The Kaltura Quick Ingest "Let's Get Started" window showing the available tools of upload media, add from library, record from webcam, and add from youtube.

Canvas will show your Kaltura library.  

Click the “Embed” button for a particular video to quickly embed it into your assignment, announcement, or page. 

The Kaltura Quick Ingest window showing videos from your library. There is an "embed" button for each video.

You’ll then see the video embedded in your assignment, announcement, or page.  

A Kaltura video embedded in the rich content editor.

Next time we’ll be diving into screen capture using Kaltura Capture, editing videos, and building playlists in Kaltura. In the meantime, if you have questions, please drop them below or email us at We’d love to help you out!  

Lauren Eissler contributed to this post.

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