
Canvas New Quiz Settings Update – Saving Settings without Entering the Quiz Build Page

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Canvas recently updated how to access New Quiz settings. With that update, you could easily get to the settings, but you also had to go through some extra clicks to get back to where you started in Canvas. This is now simplified in the update being pushed out April 28.  

Now when you access the New Quiz settings page, you’ll see three options – “Cancel,” “Save,” and “Build.”  

Screenshot of the three button options – cancel, save, and build – now available on the New Quiz settings page.
Screenshot of the three button options – cancel, save, and build – now available on the New Quiz settings page.  

“Cancel” will not save any changes made and will return you to your previous page. “Save” now saves any changes and returns you to your previous page instead of pulling you into a page to add/edit quiz questions. And “Build” now saves any changes made to the settings and takes you to the “build” quiz page where you can add/edit questions.  

In addition to this functionality adjustment, the “Build” page got another slight tweak. The “Return” button there now takes you back to whichever page you were on when you first accessed the Quiz settings. With these changes, you can now quickly and easily adjust quiz settings or questions before returning to your previous workflow.  

If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out! You can leave us a comment below or email us at  

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