• Canvas

    Preparing for Finals: How Turnitin and Proctoring Exams Can Help

    Reading Time: 2 minutesWe’re quickly approaching the end of the semester, so it’s time to make sure you have all the info you need to finish strong. Today we’re going to be talking about finals, and make sure you check out our post about reviewing your gradebook and submitting your grades as you prepare to do that.   Because of the unique challenges of this year, your finals may look different from the norm. Whether you’re having your students write a final paper or take an exam, here’s a few features to consider as you make your plans.   1. Use Turnitin for written final projects  Turnitin integrates seamlessly into Canvas assignments – you only need to select “Turnitin” from the drop-down…

  • Canvas,  Educational Tools,  Teaching & Learning

    Turnitin Adds AI Writing Indicator to Similarity Report 

    Reading Time: 3 minutesIt’s no secret that ChatGPT’s popularity is growing. And plagiarism detecting tools are aware of that – and the need to adjust their offerings to help identify when student work may have been supplemented or entirely created by AI. Turnitin recently announced that it will now display a score to instructors within the Similarity Report to indicate what percentage of a paper is highly likely to be generated by AI.  Turnitin is quick to say that their detection isn’t foolproof and the percentage displayed “should not be used as a definitive measure of misconduct or punitive tool.” The AI percentage is presented to inform instructors and give…

  • Canvas,  Educational Tools,  Teaching & Learning

    Canvas Update: Grade by Question in SpeedGrader

    Reading Time: 2 minutesWith the update releasing April 15, Canvas is adjusting how instructors can review and grade New Quiz questions in SpeedGrader.   Previously when scoring questions that needed manual grading, instructors could only view results organized by student. Now, Canvas will allow instructors to flip between students to grade by question. This is controlled by a setting in the “options” menu when you’re in SpeedGrader for a New Quiz.   Turning on grade by question  When in SpeedGrader for a New Quiz, click the settings gear at the top left, then click “options” in the menu.   In the window that pops up, check the box for “grade by question,” then…

  • Canvas,  Educational Tools,  Teaching & Learning

    Canvas Update: Instructors Can Upload Files to Assignments for Students 

    Reading Time: 2 minutesCanvas has recently added a feature to allow instructors to upload files to assignments for students. To use this feature, you need to start in the gradebook. Click on the student’s cell for the assignment you want to upload, then click the arrow.   Canvas will slide out a panel from the right side of your screen. Click the “Submit for Student” link.   Drag and drop or use the file picker to add the assignment file(s), then click “submit.” If you upload multiple files, they will be added as one submission.   The file is now available to be graded in SpeedGrader! Any files uploaded using this method will…

  • Canvas,  Educational Tools,  Teaching & Learning

    Canvas Updates: Rich Content Editor 

    Reading Time: 1 minuteIt’s been a bit since we last wrote about Canvas updates, but some cool things have been happening. Canvas is always working on tweaking or adding things (you can keep up with them in the Canvas Release Notes!), but today we’re focusing on what’s changed in the Rich Content Editor (RCE) over the past few months.   Access to detailed word/character count statistics  The RCE displays word count at the bottom of the editor, but it’s expanded that functionality a bit. Now when you click on that word count, Canvas will pop a window and show you detailed word and character count.   Dragging-and-dropping/pasting of content  Previously, to add…

  • Canvas

    Using Rubrics for Grading in Canvas 

    Reading Time: 2 minutesWith finals just over a month away, it’s the perfect time to revisit how Canvas rubrics can make your grading life easier. We’ve talked before about some aspects of adding and using rubrics in courses. As a brief refresher, Canvas has excellent resources on creating and adding rubrics to assignments as well as creating and adding rubrics to discussions. We’ve also talked about how to add existing (already created in Canvas) rubrics to an assignment or discussion.   Today we’re turning our attention to a setting that’ll make your grading life easier – using a rubric for assignment grading. You may think that you’re doing that by default,…

  • Canvas

    Canvas Updates: Inbox Improvements and Scheduling Page Publishing 

    Reading Time: 3 minutesCanvas is updating two different areas across the coming months. On October 15, you’ll also be able to specify dates and times to publish pages. And later this year, you’ll see some minor changes to the Canvas inbox. Schedule Page Publish Dates/Times  Canvas is also adding a “publish at” setting for pages. When you use this setting, students will not be able to see publish-delayed pages until the set publish date and time.   To set a date/time, go to a Canvas page. Below the textbox is an “options” heading where you can choose who can edit the page (an existing feature) and also choose a “publish at”…

  • Canvas

    The Four Types of Assignment Comments in SpeedGrader

    Reading Time: 2 minutesThe Four Types of Assignment Comments in SpeedGrader  Canvas SpeedGrader allows you to annotate student submissions to provide feedback. You can use a variety of tools (including a highlighter, text annotation, and a pen tool) directly on the document to thoroughly explain your comments to a student. For more information about using those tools, check out Canvas’ information on adding annotated comments in SpeedGrader.  But did you know that you have options for how you leave overall feedback comments to students in the “Assignment Comments” section? You have four options on the comments you leave there: text comments, file comments, media comments, and text comments via speech…

  • Teaching & Learning

    Three Tips for Writing Clear Content 

    Reading Time: 2 minutesNow that we’re a few weeks into the semester, let’s revisit a topic that fits into just about every aspect of a course – creating clear content. Whether you’re writing a quick note for your students or a longer piece to use in your course, you’ll need your message to be easily understood. Including just enough information to be clear without over-explaining can be a fine line to walk. Let’s look at some tips for writing content that will keep students focused on the concepts and not slowed down because of word choice or structure.   1. Write with a clear purpose.  Know what your goal is before…

  • Canvas,  Educational Tools,  Teaching & Learning

    How Can My Students Do Presentations in an Online Course?  

    Reading Time: 2 minutesHaving students give presentations is easy enough in a face-to-face class – everyone is present and there’s few technology considerations that have to be made. But once you swap to an online format, a once-simple assignment gets more complex. How can students record presentations that include sharing a screen, video of themselves, and audio? How can students submit their videos so that just the professor can watch them? How can they submit videos so that their peers can view and comment? We’re going to walk through all the options so you can choose what is right for your course, and then we’ll also provide resources for you…